Mother's Day 2022 is Sunday, May 8. With that date fast approaching, are you trying to figure out a new and different way to celebrate Mother's Day in Baton Rouge this year? Consider these five creative and fun ideas.

1. Give Her a Gift Card for Your Personal Services

Who needs a gift card to a store or a restaurant when you can get one for a personal assistant for a day instead? What mother wouldn't love a gift she can cash in when she chooses to have you take a load off her shoulders? You could offer her yard and garden services, run her chores for a day, or clean her house. You could decide in advance what service the gift card proffers or you could leave it up to her.

2. Have a Picnic

If you can get to a park and it's a nice day out, great! But neither of those things has to happen for you to set up a picnic you can enjoy together. All it takes is some yummy food and a blanket. Lay your blanket out in the backyard—or on the living room floor, if you need to. Then, enjoy sandwiches, salads, drinks, and dessert all while sitting together on the ground (or floor) and sharing an afternoon enjoying each other's company. If you're lucky enough to be out in nature while you're doing this, you can add in a nice stroll afterward.

3. Take a Virtual Tour

You may not be able to afford to take mom on an extravagant, exotic trip. But, you can do the next best thing. Virtual tours allow you to explore and enjoy beautiful, famous or just plain interesting sites around the world from the comfort of your own home. Tour museums, churches, castles, gardens and more. You can even visit more than one continent in a single afternoon, taking mom on a virtual trip around the world for a mother's day she's sure to remember.

4. Make Something Special

Something you make for mom yourself from the heart is the ultimate, unique gift. You don't have to be a talented artist to make her a piece of art reminding her of one of your cherished moments together. You don't need to be an Oscar-winning filmmaker to put together a video of you and the rest of the family sharing what you appreciate about her so much or a radio DJ to put together a playlist of music she loves. Even just a greeting card you make with love can touch her heart.

5. Something That Shows How Well You Know Her

Every mom loves to feel that the people she loves see her for who she is. Consider your mom's unique passions and interests, and come up with something that shows her how much you pay attention to what matters to her most—besides you, of course. If it's dancing, take her dancing or set up a dance party in your living room. If it's board games she loves, buy her a new one and play together; if it's movies, have a movie date. Whatever it is, make it part of her special day.